Sunday, January 17, 2016


LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC

Future technology paved way to the creation of hovercrafts, which began to gradually replace motorized vehicles. Ben is the leader of the Polecats, one of the toughest biker gangs on the road. One day he drives over and damages a hovercraft limousine which belongs to Malcolm Corley, owner of Corley Motors, the last domestic motorcycle manufacturer. Later, Ben is having a bit of good clean fun at the Kick Stand Bar when Corley drops by for a bit of reminiscing. This leads to a meeting with Corley Motors' vice president Adrian Ripburger, who has his own sinister plans concerning the company, the Polecats, and the future of motorized vehicles. Ben refuses to co-operate and must now face the consequences and do everything in his power to bring Ripburger to justice.

Peter Chan, Brian Rich, Larry Ahern, Anson Jew, Charlie Ramos, Leonard Robel, Peter Tsaykel, Daniel Colon Jr., Richard Green, David Vallone